Monday, July 18, 2011

Tanka by Kayla

the woodland trees

pull in darkness

at dusk

color fades away

everything becomes quiet

my father the railroader

boards a train

on his last ride home

it passes silently

into the darkness

Haiku by Kayla

sunny fragrant day

the metal sheds' interior

dark and musty

vapor trails overhead

last nights snail trails

spread across the sidewalk

this summer

more clover

more rabbits


stars inside

lightning bugs outside

campfire out

i wash my hands

in a pan of stars


glimpses of faces

come and go

night fishing

my bobber drifts

across the moon

side walk

a baby robin opens wide

as i pass by

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

"Missing you " , a poem by Kayla


i will walk the same path

through the grassy field,


i will see you again,

like the purple crocus

does our friendship

face only one way?

or is it fleeting,

like a shooting star?

like the rising

of the morning sun,

and the sweet sound of the song birds,

i need you

to be my friend

i walk the path everyday

through the grassy field,

hoping to see you,

and at night

hoping to see a shooting star.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Making Handmade Books: The Mystery & Desire of the Creative Process

Making Handmade Books: The Mystery & Desire of the Creative Process: "I participated in an event with a friend to discuss artist books. A woman in the audience spoke passionately about my friend's work. She wan..."

Making Handmade Books: The Sky Is Not Falling on the Book

Making Handmade Books: The Sky Is Not Falling on the Book: "Never mind what you've heard, the sky is not falling. The idea that the book as we know it is coming to an end has popped up in conversation..."