Sunday, October 23, 2022

Tanka poem by Kayla

 Noisy crows

fill the trees

in the cemetery

I walk alone 

among quiet grave stones

Monday, July 25, 2022

Tanka by Kayla

 Walt Whitman's Crystal Spring

bubbling from the sand

flowing all these years

touching many emotions

as did his poems

She's 3000 years old

I am fascinated

seeing her eyelashes

how beautiful

how delicate


the flame up of a match

my youth

has come 

and gone


Train crossing

signals flashing

wheels clanging on rails

boxcars swaying side to side

followed by the end car


It's red strobe light flashing

disappears into the darkness

the spirit

of my Father

rides into the night

Strange night sounds

chilling calls

in the darkness

I feel my way

down an unknown path

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Tanka by Kayla

 Hot summer night

loud traffic noise

yet a strange silence

walking this trail 

into the woods

Tanka by Kayla

 Up during the night

looking out the window

I see Venus

with the cresent moon

rising above the trees

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Tanka by Kayla

On my journey

I walk this winding path

hoping to see him

I shout out !

Emery , I love you